Monday, 3 October 2011

Let's try this again

In answer to my last post... only if you apply yourself and actually post something every now and again!!

So here goes... here's a photo I took on a walk down the beach the other day. It was a beautiful day, Niall decided to go surfing at the beach (despite there being no surf) so I got a lift to the carpark and walked the hour (ish) home along the beach, barefoot, taking photos as I went... bliss! It's times like these that I realise why I moved to NZ.

Anyway... I WILL get better at posting bits and bobs. Don't expect anything as wordy as Niall's Blog but I'll see what I can do. We now also have a PiwiWiwi Blog which is quite exciting. It's all go on the social media front round here - it's the future, so I've been lead to believe anyway...

Friday, 8 July 2011

Testing testing 123...

So - I'm hoping this will be a good way of posting up photos and news of what I've been up to for folks back in the UK. Let's see if it is...